თინათინ ბრეგვაძე

Ani Shvelidze

Project Coordinator

Ani Shvelidze holds the position of Project Coordinator and Assistant at the Center for Strategy and Development. She has significant experience in project management. she is currently coordinating the following projects: Improving Media Access for the Ethnic Minority and Combating Disinformation (Donor: Open Society Foundation in Georgia), PCVE in Georgia - Capacity Building for CSOS and Civil Servants (Donor: Hedayah Center), SHE’s GREAT (Donor: IREX). Her responsibilities include communicating with project beneficiaries, stakeholders, organizing meetings/training, monitoring, and evaluating project development.

Other Members

Giorgi Goguadze

Giorgi Goguadze

Mariam Tokhadze

Mariam Tokhadze

Key Expert
Gogita Gvedashvili

Gogita Gvedashvili

Deputy Director